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Foto van schrijverManeesha Sluyzer


Conscious Relaxation for a Healthy Life

Stress is a common problem in our busy lives. We are constantly exposed to all kinds of stimuli and responsibilities, which can lead to chronic stress and negative consequences for our health. Fortunately, there is a solution: conscious relaxation.

What is conscious relaxation?

Conscious relaxation is a technique in which you allow yourself to completely relax and bring your body and mind into balance. It's about being aware of your breathing, body sensations, feelings and thoughts, without judgement. By consciously relaxing, you can let go of daily stress and find inner peace.

The benefits of conscious relaxation

Conscious relaxation has countless benefits for our health. First, it lowers cortisol levels in our body, the stress hormone that can be harmful when chronically elevated. By regularly consciously relaxing, we reduce the risk of stress-related conditions such as cardiovascular disease, depression and burnout. In addition, conscious relaxation improves our sleep quality. A good night's sleep is essential for our well-being, both physically and mentally. By releasing tension before going to sleep, we can fall asleep more peacefully and sleep more deeply.

Conscious relaxation also helps us to deal better with emotions. We learn to observe and accept ourselves as we are, without judgement. This helps us let go of negative thoughts and emotions and develop a more positive mindset.

How can you practice conscious relaxation?

There are several techniques I bring you so you can use this to incorporate conscious relaxation into your daily routine. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Meditation: 

Set aside a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus your attention inward. Focus on your breathing and observe the thoughts as they pass by, without clinging to them.

2. Yoga: 

This age-old practice combines physical exercises with breathing techniques and meditation. It not only helps in creating flexibility and strength in the body but also calms the mind.

3. Deep breathing: 

Take time regularly to breathe deeply in and out, being aware of each breath. This can be done anywhere: at home, at work or even in the car.

4. Mindfulness/Mindset: 

Bring awareness to everyday activities, thoughts and self sabotage by being fully present in the moment. Whether it's eating, walking or washing dishes, pay attention to every detail of the experience.

5. Nature walks: 

Go outside regularly and enjoy the soothing effects of nature. Leave your phone behind and focus on the sounds, smells and beauty around you.6. Intuitive eating:

Eat where your body is asking for. Try to have a good connection with your body and have knowledge about the food you take in. Proper food relaxes your system and brings energy.

Integrating conscious relaxation into your life

To get the most out of conscious relaxation, it is important to practice it regularly and incorporate it into your daily routine. Start with small steps and gradually expand to longer periods of relaxation. Create a quiet space where you can practice without distractions.

In addition, it is useful to schedule a fixed time for conscious relaxation, for example early in the morning or before going to bed. This helps create a habit and ensures you stay consistent with it.


Conscious relaxation is a powerful tool for reducing stress, finding inner peace and improving our overall health. By regularly making time for conscious relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and mindfulness, you can reduce the negative effects of stress and promote our well-being.

So what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a healthier and more relaxed life today by putting conscious relaxation into practice. You deserve to take good care of yourself!

Follow one of my free meditations, vlogs, podcast, yogaclasses or dive deeper and start with your personal online program or buy one of my mediations. 

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